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10% OFF coupon on Bachelorette Tanks with date Script - Bride, Maid of Honor, Bridesmaid and Bridal Entourage - Set of 6 - 32L by nestingprojectwed


459 | 4
| ashle... on

The Nesting Project has wonderful customer service and fast production for their custom shirts. I loved the design of the script logo, and I felt it was very different than the usual rhinestone tanks that are seen everywhere these days. Be careful because they do run a little small, but knowing this I ordered a size up and they fit great. Tanks are very nice material and soft! My only compliant is that I found the printing on the colored tanks cracking a bit when they were tried on, and I was hoping that wouldn't happen.

Tessa A.
| Tessa A. on

Very awesome, and unique compared to other bridal tanks I had seen around. The quality of the shirts and printing is great! So excited to give these to my bridesmaids!

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