I just received my ring since ordering it almost three months ago. Shipping time is not seller’s fault, but I think the longer it took the higher my expectations were. First let me say that the ring seems to be very well constructed. My two gripes are with the metal part of the ring. It was supposed to be yellow gold plated, but it’s silver. Second thing, and probably what bugs me the most, the little “plates/posts” where the two spheres sit are larger than in the seller’s photos. They almost reach halfway up, covering that much of the stones and really taking away from the look of complete spheres. Like someone else mentioned, I’d return if I were shipping back within the US, but not worth the hassle. I’ll wear it, once in a while. Really wanted to love it!
I just received my ring since ordering it almost three months ago. Shipping time is not seller’s fault, but I think the longer it took the higher my expectations were. First let me say that the ring seems to be very well constructed. My two gripes are with the metal part of the ring. It was supposed to be yellow gold plated, but it’s silver. Second thing, and probably what bugs me the most, the little “plates/posts” where the two spheres sit are larger than in the seller’s photos. They almost reach halfway up, covering that much of the stones and really taking away from the look of complete spheres. Like someone else mentioned, I’d return if I were shipping back within the US, but not worth the hassle. I’ll wear it, once in a while. Really wanted to love it!