Our bag arrived today which completely amazed me with it's super fast shipping. The seller had fabulous communication and worked with me to get all the details of the bag just as I needed, even going above and beyond by helping with details I hadn't even thought about. The cinch bag is perfect for our use as a diaper bag. I've already loaded it up with our necessities and it will work wonderfully. Enough room for a few cloth diapers (and cloth users know the bulk they have), our wet bag, eating essentials, and a change of clothes. And everything separated in pockets. Pockets! It's so hard to find pockets on this style of bag from anywhere else. Quality looks fantastic, and I'm sure it will hold up to our adventures. Thanks so much for a useful *and* cute bag that the hubby won't have a problem using as well.
| Carrie B. on July 9, 2013
My son (and I) are in LOVE with this bag! Cannot say enough good things about this seller. Communication was excellent and she went above and beyond to make sure this bag was a perfect, custom job. So thankful for her kindness.
Our bag arrived today which completely amazed me with it's super fast shipping. The seller had fabulous communication and worked with me to get all the details of the bag just as I needed, even going above and beyond by helping with details I hadn't even thought about. The cinch bag is perfect for our use as a diaper bag. I've already loaded it up with our necessities and it will work wonderfully. Enough room for a few cloth diapers (and cloth users know the bulk they have), our wet bag, eating essentials, and a change of clothes. And everything separated in pockets. Pockets! It's so hard to find pockets on this style of bag from anywhere else. Quality looks fantastic, and I'm sure it will hold up to our adventures. Thanks so much for a useful *and* cute bag that the hubby won't have a problem using as well.
My son (and I) are in LOVE with this bag! Cannot say enough good things about this seller. Communication was excellent and she went above and beyond to make sure this bag was a perfect, custom job. So thankful for her kindness.